Partial project
DP 001N
Polymer marking system for digitized waste sorting system
Project management period: 01–03–2023 to 30–06–2026
Principal investigator: Centrum organické chemie s.r.o.
Project objective: Design and validate a novel, environmentally friendly and inexpensive plastic marking system to ensure the subsequent efficient sorting of plastic waste in automatic sorting stations.
Planned outcomes:
Gfunk – Functional sample of a marker for labelling polymer materials (11–2024)
Gfunk – Functional sample of a marker in the form of a dispersed dye suitable for dyeing polyester textiles (09–2025)
Gfunk – Functional sample of a marker in the form of a printable formulation for labelling plastic products (11–2025)
Gfunk – Functional sample of a marker concentrate for plastic products for thermoplastic production (11–2025)
Fuzit – Utility model: System for marking polyester in blended textiles (12–2025)