
Partial project

DP 015

Utilisation of 2nd Generation Biopolymer Feedstock Sources for Value-added Products (2GVALUE)

Principal investigator: Tomas Bata University in Zlín – University Institute, Centre of Polymer Systems

Project objective: Design and implement a verified technology for the processing of 2nd generation raw materials into precursors for chemical and food production.

Planned outcomes: 

O  – Proposal for the technological process of the project (12–2023)

Ztech – Verified technology: Optimised steps for pre-treatment of biopolymeric 2nd generation feedstocks (12–2024)

Ztech – Verified technology: Sugarification of 2G raw materials (12–2025)

Ztech –Technology for quarter-scale preparation of a lactic acid polymer (12–2025)

O  – Fermentation technology (12–2025)

Ztech – Technology for biotechnological production of precursors for chemical and food production (05–2026)

O  – Proposal for a process for the use of residual materials after individual stages of biomass treatment (05–2026)

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