Partial project
DP 006
Thermochemical processing of waste plastics using pyrolysis, catalytic and purification processes
Principal investigator: ORLEN UniCRE a.s.
Project objective: Design and validate a system for catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste with reduced heteroatom content in the pyrolysis liquid.
Planned outcomes:
Fuzit – Purification reagent for the removal of heteroatoms from the liquid pyrolysis product (12–2024)
Gfunk – Pyrolysis liquid containing aromatic hydrocarbons from waste polyolefins (11–2025)
Gfunk – Liquid product of waste plastics pyrolysis for use in petrochemical production (12–2025)
Ztech – Catalytic pyrolysis of waste polyolefins (PE, PP) (12–2025)
O – Publication (12–2023)
O – Publication (12–2025)
O – Research report (03–2024)
O – Research report (12–2025)